[TowerTalk] Yaesu 2800DXA

Joe K2UF joe at k2uf.com
Wed Apr 21 22:44:09 EDT 2021


I have the same problem with my DXA.  I am using a homebrew controller and 6
wire control cable at about  250 feet.  I suspected maybe the grease on the
gear train was thicking during cold weather.  If I rock the controller back
and forth a couple of times it will free up and work fine.  If the weather
stays below freezing till the next day I have to do the rocking again and it
will work again.  It's a nusance but not enough to bring the tower down and
investigate further (wife won't let me climb anymore).

Good luck es 73

Joe K2UF

-----Original Message-----
From: TowerTalk [mailto:towertalk-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Wayne
Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2021 10:18 PM
To: towertalk at contesting.com
Subject: [TowerTalk] Yaesu 2800DXA

I  have a Yaesu 2800DXA rotor on my 40/30 antenna. It's rotor length to the
antenna is   390 ft.

I am using the 6 conductor 18 ga on the tower 80   ft.  and  2X16 ga and
6X20ga   with two  extra wires added  one to  CCW and  one to CW motor
control.  B MY issue is  during the winter below 30 deg. F. many time to
rotor will not turn in that cold  WX

The control  box  is  ab Green Heron RT21 ???    bigger wire to the base ?

Wayne W3EA,
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