[TowerTalk] Experience with Sacrificial Zinc?

Grant Saviers grants2 at pacbell.net
Sun Aug 8 20:11:31 EDT 2021

The MIL-HDBK-419A talks a little about this topic.  Adding Zn electrodes 
to a galvanized tower creates a parallel circuit, not clear which will 
go first IMO.  Impressed voltage systems are probably a better option. 
google it.

I black tar coated my galvanized guy anchor rods and then wrapped them 
with 20mil 2" wide PVC tape for abrasion resistance to 2 feet above 
grade, same as done for black iron gas pipes that are buried.  Should 
last longer than me.

Grant KZ1W

On 8/8/2021 16:30, Richard Smith wrote:
> Hi Tower Talkers,
> It seems that sacrificial zinc is commonly used in boating to stop corrosion. The sacrificial zinc corrodes and "saves" the metal to which it is attached.
> Does anyone in TowerTalk land have experience with using sacrificial zinc with towers and/or antennas?
> 73, Rich, N6KT
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