[TowerTalk] Terminate unused ports on remote antenna switch?

Earl Morse n8ss2014 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 10 21:22:20 EDT 2021

Terminating multiport devices in their characteristic impedance is desired
when those ports are still part of the circuit.  In the case of the antenna
switch, which disconnects the undesired ports and either just leaves them
hanging or shorts them to ground, termination with a dummy load doesn't
really do anything except to prevent you from transmitting into an unused
port that is either open or shorted and not properly terminated.  It would
probably be cheaper to use a switch with the proper amount of connections
rather than buying dummy loads for each unused connection.

It is common to terminate unused ports in various multiple port devices but
really doesn't apply to the coaxial switch as the unused ports are
physically disconnected or shorted or both.


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