[TowerTalk] Terminate unused ports on remote antenna switch?

john at kk9a.com john at kk9a.com
Wed Aug 11 14:30:43 EDT 2021

Depending which two verticals N6VR/W7YA installed, the spacing and direction
may also be wrong for a typical dual phased vertical array.

A simple option would be to just install and use a single vertical until the
remaining three are completed. Depending on the layout and desired direction
another simple option could be to feed one vertical and make the other
vertical a parasitic element creating a fixed directional array.

John KK9A

k1ttt wrote:

Ok, the supported 2 vertical configuration won't work in your case as it is
designed to have a 1/4 wave spacing between the verticals... it also calls
for 50 ohm phasing lines instead of the normal 75 ohm for the 4 vertical
case.  I would be very careful about what you do with the phasing box as you
may damage it with the wrong impedances if you use high power.  As I said
before the comtek boxes are designed for nominal 100 ohm loads when using
all 4 verticals, but only 50 ohm loads on 2 ports with the others open for 2

David Robbins K1TTT
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