[TowerTalk] Cable Work

Wayne Kline w3ea at hotmail.com
Fri Feb 26 20:21:34 EST 2021


ALL my7 yagi antennas  I now use Phillystran HTPG1200    with  1/8 stainless steel  thimbles and three 1/8 SS  cable clamps.  I then use ¼ inch  flooded heat shrink  on  the incapsalated live and tail end of the phillystran.  Sorry I have no photographs ☹

Wayne ,
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From: Richard Smith<mailto:n6kt1 at sbcglobal.net>
Sent: Friday, February 26, 2021 6:13 PM
To: towertalk at contesting.com<mailto:towertalk at contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Cable Work

John or Wayne,
Do you have a photo or sketch of your preferred installation method?
73, Rich, N6KT
    On Friday, February 26, 2021, 01:34:12 PM PST, john at kk9a.com <john at kk9a.com> wrote:

 This reminded me of a pressed sleeve failure on a wire rope that I once had with a brand new Telrex beam. Since then I have not trusted them. Anyway I think non-metallic Phillystran is a much better choice for a boom trusses, I use stainless steel cable clamps with mine instead of Big Grips.

John KK9A

Wayne Kline w3ea wrote:
  I also have used the  alunimum double barrel press  sleeves from Tractor Supply.  I have used them for Boom Supports  and  end post  corner  supports.. I  have has failures    on my f-12  30/40 meter beam the boom truss  failed ☹    I have since gone back to the phillystran and SS cable clamps..

Wayne W3EA ,


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