[TowerTalk] Update on heliax connectors… and i have heaps more to look through.

PeteM pmanfre at gmail.com
Tue Mar 16 15:02:58 EDT 2021

> 1 - L6PNF… for 1.25 heliax,  Andrew,  N fm. $5 ea + ship. Have 5
> 2 - L7PNF… for 1 5/8 heliax,  Andrew,  Nfm $$7.50ea + ship. . have 1
> 3 - L7PNF… for 1 5/8 heliax,  Andrew,  Nm $$7.50ea + ship. . have 2
> 4- CR54NMR… for 1/2 heliax (also fits lmr600),  Comscope,  Nm,  rt
angle,  ultra nice connector.   $5 + ship,  have 5
> 5 - CR1873NF,  for 1 7/8 heliax , Nfm,  Comscope,  $5.00 ea + ship,  have
> 6 - SCF12-50, for 1/2 heliax,  Radio Frequency Systems,  7-16 DINm, $5
ea+ ship have 1

  7- L7PDF… for 1 5/8 heliax,  Andrew,  7/16DINf $5.00 ea + ship. . have 2
8 - L4PNF… for 1/2 heliax,  Andrew,  Nfm $$6.50ea + ship. . have 8

9 - L4PDF… for 1/2 heliax,  Andrew,  7/16 DINf $$5.00ea + ship. . have 1
10 - L4PDM… for 1/2 heliax,  Andrew,  7/16 DIN m $$5.00ea + ship. . have 1
11 - LCF78-50, … for 7/8 heliax,  Radio Freq Systems,  7/16 DINm  $$5.00ea
+ ship. . have 14

12 - LCF12-50, … for 1/2 heliax,  Radio Freq Systems,  7/16 DINm  $$5.00ea
+ ship. . have 8

13- LCF78-50NM, … for 1/2 heliax,  Radio Freq Systems,  Nm  $$5.00ea +
ship. . have 2

Pete wa2odo

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