[TowerTalk] Vertical question

Kirk Kleinschmidt sohosources at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 16 17:46:27 EDT 2021

Not any VE, just the interesting ones, those on the frontier or, perhaps, those in Zone 2. :)
All non-WKNA call signs benefit from a decent boost in antenna performance, except during the ARRL DX contests, when rare states get the boost, especially the obvious ones such as ND0ND, WY7WY, WV8WV, etc.
P5? Gotta be 40-50 dB, at least!
--Kirk, NT0Z

My book, "Stealth Amateur Radio," is now available from www.stealthamateur.com and on the Amazon Kindle (soon) 

    On Tuesday, March 16, 2021, 4:17:38 PM CDT, Lux, Jim <jim at luxfamily.com> wrote:  
 On 3/16/21 1:39 PM, Kirk Kleinschmidt via TowerTalk wrote:
> Don't forget, Mike: Your VE9 call sign adds 10-20 dB to any antenna!  :)
> I once lived in North Dakota, experiencing the same boost in performance. then I moved to Minnesota -- 100 feet from North Dakota -- and I was sad.,..   :)
> Regards,
> --Kirk, NT0Z

if VE is worth 10-20 dB, what is P5 worth?


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