[TowerTalk] Fold Over Telescoping Tower

Robert Harmon k6uj at pacbell.net
Sun Mar 21 01:27:30 EDT 2021

US Tower carries their MA series of tubular towers that telecope and can tilt-over.   

https://ustower.com/product_cat/ma-series/ <https://ustower.com/product_cat/ma-series/>

Their MAF raising fixture is an accessory.

https://ustower.com/towerproducts/maf/ <https://ustower.com/towerproducts/maf/>


> On Mar 20, 2021, at 9:35 PM, Gedas <w8bya at mchsi.com> wrote:
> I am trying to help a friend do some leg work and find him a telescoping, tilt-over tubular tower. I seem to remember several weeks  ago someone mentioned a company that makes a tubular version......Does anyone remember the company name ? 73
> Gedas, W8BYA EN70JT
> Gallery at http://w8bya.com (under repair)
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