[TowerTalk] 80 meter vertical or

n1bkb at aol.com n1bkb at aol.com
Sat Aug 13 13:06:22 EDT 2022

 I agree on the sloping dipole as a MUCH easier solution. You might want to consider using a ZS6BKW antenna installed as a sloper. I used one in that configuration for over a decade with the top at 75' and was constantly amazed at how well it worked, especially considering it cost less than $80 back when I bought it. It's 92'' long with coverage from 80m thru 6m and a tuner is only required on 80m & 15m.  It's only unique requirement is that the 450-ohm ladder line connection needs to be fed with at least 100' of coax as a matching element to its function.
73, Steve - N1BKB

    On Friday, August 12, 2022 at 01:41:28 PM PDT, S57AD <mirko.s57ad at gmail.com> wrote:  
 How about a sloping dipole, Stephen? Upper half at 30° to the tower and
bottom half 30° from the ground , in the shape of extended V. I had
excellent experiences with such a dipole...

73  Mirko, S57AD

V V pet., 12. avg. 2022 ob 22:22 je oseba STEPHEN L SALA <k7awb at msn.com>

> i have a rohn 45 up at 90 feet with a force 12 6-el the mag 620.  i was
> thinking of a 80 meter vertical  60 feet or so in length away from the
> tower,  a short distance held out there with one of those tower rods. how
> critical is the wire distance from the tower ?  Do i do a 60 foot +- foot
> quarter wave vertical or an inverted el?  to be coax fed only.
> 73
> Stephen
> K7awb
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Mirko S57AD

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