[TowerTalk] 16om vertical and the number of radials

Jorge Diez - CX6VM cx6vm.jorge at gmail.com
Fri Dec 2 09:57:11 EST 2022

I think Paul wants to know the "real" situation, not theory. He want to
know if the theory is 100% in accordance with real big stations with many
radials on the antennas


El vie, 2 dic 2022 a las 11:50, Paul Christensen (<w9ac at arrl.net>) escribió:

> Ignacy,
> There's a lot of published information that addresses your question.  Some
> material is rooted in commercial applications and even more in the amateur
> literature where modeling is compared with measured results.
> As a starting point, I would carefully read Rudy Stevens' material:
> https://www.antennasbyn6lf.com/design_of_radial_ground_systems/
> Paul, W9AC
> -----Original Message-----
> From: TowerTalk <towertalk-bounces at contesting.com> On Behalf Of Ignacy
> Misztal
> Sent: Friday, December 2, 2022 9:25 AM
> To: tower and HF Antenna Construction Topics. <towertalk at contesting.com>
> Subject: [TowerTalk] 16om vertical and the number of radials
> Do more radials on a 160m vertical bring more improvements than shown by
> simulation?
> Most simulations show that going above 32 radials on 160m brings minimal
> improvement, say 1 db to 2 max. Even for low angle signals.
> On the other hand, some really loud stations n 160m, say 5-10 db above the
> crowd, use a massive amount of radials. This is for inland stations, far
> away from salt water.
> Is there any discrepancy between modeling and real life performance with
> the
> number of radials? Does adding radials beyond 32 help much? Any real
> stories?
> Ignacy NO9E
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