[TowerTalk] M2 KT-34 SWR curves low in frequency all bands.

Ken, W8EK kenw8ek at gmail.com
Fri Jan 14 16:44:03 EST 2022

Hi Scott,

You are not the only one with the problem you mention.

Checking my KT-36 today, I have resonance at
14.068  1.8 SWR  95 ohms R  0 ohms X
20.937  1.0 SWR  52 ohms R  0 ohms X
27.497  1.1 SWR  43 ohms R  1 ohm X
(NO, I am not trying for the 11 m band!)

As far as I can recall, when installed about 12 years ago, it was in 
the middle of the band, but obviously is low now, especially on 15 and 
10 meters.

I am fairly sure there is no problem with water.  The only thing I can 
think of is the balun.

If you discover anything, please pass it along!



Ken, W8EK

w5wz at w5wz.com wrote on 1/14/2022 3:13 PM:
> Some recent queries to TowerTalk and the responses all pointed toward 
> bad coax/water in coax, or loose connections between balun and front 
> driven element and/or rear-driven element.
> On 1/13/22, we tested the coax and even pulled up a brand new run to 
> test with.  Swept both runs of coax from top of the tower with AA-54, 
> bottom end connected to a dummy load.  Both runs of coax sweep 
> identically to the dummy load.  Connect either run to the antenna, 
> experience the same symptoms of low SWR being low on all bands.
> A call to M2 support; they suggested perhaps water in one or more of 
> the capacitors.  We tilted the tower over to access the capacitors.  
> Removed all 16 end caps, finding no water.  We did, however, find much 
> insect debris and dirt dauber nests.  Cleaned all that out with 
> compressed air and a long rod to push through the 3/8" inner tube.
> We also verified all the mechanical connections on the driven elements 
> and confirmed good continuity with an ohmmeter.
> The SWR curves moved up in frequency, but the minimum point is still 
> well below the bottom of each band.
> Other thoughts or ideas?
> --Scott, W5WZ

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