[TowerTalk] FCP vs On ground.txt

Jeff Blaine KeepWalking188 at ac0c.com
Fri Jan 21 19:41:05 EST 2022

No idea.  In his article, you can infer on fig 17 that 4' on a 40m 
antenna is about 0.06 WL.  And going from 0.5 to 4' was worth about 3/4+ 
of dB.  Is there a reason to think that height above ground should 
remain a on a flat trajectory?  From fig 16, it looks like the curve is 
bending and my guess is that a study would show an asymptotic point is 
reached.  My point is that "louder" would be relative - maybe going from 
5' to 20' on 160m radials without moving the physical vertical does 
provide an improvement but it's not going to be massive.  From the graph 
it would be sub 1dB.

I eventually got rid of the elevated radials here and put the 40m 4sq in 
the ground.  But it had nothing to do with signal - it had to do with 
the maintenance needed to keep them up and I was tired of messing with 

A vertical offers no free lunch with elevated radials.  Sure you have a 
big spend and a hassle getting a ground mounted system put in, but then 
you are relatively free of maintenance going forward.  On the other 
hand, hanging elevated radials is a lot easier, but the maintenance is 
ongoing and if you have deer, ice and whatever, its bigger.

A guy was joking with me once when I told him that a deer would only hit 
his beverage once and would learn the lesson.  A beverage is not an 
elevated radial but the maintenance is the same.  He replied, that "up 
here, the deer are called moose and the don't even register hitting and 
breaking your beverage wire."  Had to say, that was a new one one me.  
No moose in KS!


On 1/21/22 4:58 PM, Jim Brown wrote:
> On 1/21/2022 2:14 PM, Joe Subich, W4TV wrote:
>> I don't believe N6LF has done any work with elevated radials at 0.05
>> wavelength or greater above ground.
> It's been a while since I studied Rudy's work, but I do remember that 
> when I interpolated his 40M work on elevated radials to 160, I needed 
> them much higher. And when I raised them to 20 ft, as N6BT advised me, 
> my signal got louder. But I've learned a LOT from Rudy's work, which I 
> value greatly.
> 73, Jim K9YC
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