[TowerTalk] Long Term Connector Reliability Re: TowerTalk Digest, Vol

Charles Gallo (KG2V) charlie at thegallos.com
Mon Jul 25 14:26:01 EDT 2022

On 2022-07-25 12:17, Drew Vonada-Smith wrote:
> All,
> Before anyone decides to engineer a full-scale change from UHF to N
> connectors, whether it be due to "electrical superiority", "water
> resistance", "reliability", or any other reason, I suggest that you
> poll the experiences and opinions of a few large station or
> multi-multi users who have worked with both.  You are likely to exit
> that conversation with a very different opinion.
> The devil is in the details.  Feel free to email me if interested.
> 73,
> Drew K3PA

I'd say the way to actually go, if we are going to push for a change is 
probably 4.3/10 DIN connectors - go where the RF industry has gone for 
1/2 foam coax (7/16 is just too large, but DOES have the advantage of 
being readily available surplus)

73 de KG2V
Charles Gallo

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