[TowerTalk] Resistor Across a Choke Balun

Jeff Blaine KeepWalking188 at ac0c.com
Thu Jun 30 20:49:31 EDT 2022

After getting my hands on a floating 80m vertical one summer and then 
getting up off the ground, I decided then and there that the 50K 200W 
resistor in my junk box could do some good and maybe save me a future 
surprise.  Ran it that way for a few years until it came down in 85 mph 
winds once night.  Never got shocked again. I'm more careful now - don't 
need to learn that lesson more than once...


On 6/30/22 7:45 PM, Jim W7RY wrote:
> You are correct Ed.
> 73, Jim W7RY
> On 6/30/2022 7:01 PM, Edward McCann via TowerTalk wrote:
>> I think the query had to do with static-relieving resistor or choke 
>> across his antennas terminals effective at DC, if I read it correctly.
>> Ed McCann
>> AG6CX
>>> On Jun 30, 2022, at 3:34 PM, Jim Brown <jim at audiosystemsgroup.com> 
>>> wrote:
>>> On 6/30/2022 2:57 PM, KD7JYK DM09 wrote:
>>>> I've looked on and off over the years for a tutorial, but not had 
>>>> any luck, can anyone suggest a route of study for me?
>>> Yes. k9yc.com/RFI-Ham.pdf includes an extensive tutorial on how 
>>> ferrite chokes work, as well as a lot of other fundamental EMC 
>>> concepts.
>>> k9yc.com/publish.htm includes two choke "Cookbooks," one for MF/HF, 
>>> another VHF/UHF. The MF/HF cookbook is based on more than a year of 
>>> winding and measuring more than a thousand chokes; the VHF/UHF 
>>> cookbook is based on Fair-Rite data sheets for specific cores. This 
>>> material has been in the ARRL Handbook for a while.
>>> There's also an applications note on identifying RF noise by type 
>>> and providing advice on how to locate and kill it. It includes 
>>> winding guidelines for clamp-ons at the source of noise.
>>> 73, Jim K9YC
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