[TowerTalk] Fw: Feeding single band HF yagis 500+ ft from the shack

Grant Saviers grants2 at pacbell.net
Mon May 16 23:28:47 EDT 2022

I agree.  What K9CT and other large "distance to tower" contest stations 
do.  Intermediate supports, fragility, big birds, weather, tree falls, 
... a lot will go wrong.

One thing I observed in the past (>3yrs ago) looking for surplus 
hardline was that the larger diameters (>7/8) are sold at a bigger 
discount.  Connectors get expensive, but only two are needed.

A factor impacting the market is new cell towers don't use much hardline 
any more, all the RF stuff is at the top in the antennas.

Grant KZ1W

On 5/16/2022 16:14, Wes wrote:
> I would bite the bullet and put in some hardline.  Messing with OWL and 
> baluns/transformers, etc. will be nothing but grief.
> Wes  N7WS
> On 5/16/2022 3:39 PM, dave arruzza via TowerTalk wrote:
>>   To all...
>> I have a new QTH and the towers for the monoband yagis will be 500-600 
>> feet away from the shack.
>> I remember reading about utilizing 2 transformers and open wire line 
>> to minimize loss.
>> One transformer at the tower base to transform the yagi coax to open 
>> wire.
>> A run of open wire line to another transformer at the shack end.
>> Then coax to the shack.
>> I know that I can buy hardline to accomplish this but that becomes 
>> costly.
>> 73 Dave W1CTN / 4
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