[TowerTalk] The difference that 1 db makes

David Gilbert ab7echo at gmail.com
Wed May 18 15:00:54 EDT 2022

I did this analysis for CW signals several years ago, but it should 
still be valid.  I called it the "minimal discernible difference". It 
doesn't show how many QSOs an extra dB or two will give you, but it does 
give a fairly decent indication for the effect on copy.  The method I 
used to create the files is described as well.


The Cliff Notes version is that my conclusion is that 1 dB can make a 
marginal difference, and 2 dB will make a noticeable one.  It would be 
fairly simple for someone to use that same methodology to generate 
similar files with a much larger number of callsigns, and anyone could 
then determine the effect of a dB or two on the percentage of copied 

I think it is also noteworthy to check out the effect of code speed on 
intelligibility in weak signal (relative to the noise level) situations.

Dave   AB7E

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