[TowerTalk] OptiBeam OBDYA12-5 and NN4ZZ TiltPlate

Jon Zaimes, AA1K jz73 at verizon.net
Tue Sep 17 07:42:13 EDT 2024

DXE has the manual:  https://static.dxengineering.com/global/images/technicalarticles/dbo-ob9-5hd-p.pdf?_gl=1*1i6yvzt*_gcl_aw*R0NMLjE3MjY1NzI2OTAuRUFJYUlRb2JDaE1JeHFiY3V2REppQU1Wd2t0X0FCMmlTQ190RUFBWUFTQUFFZ0tfbF9EX0J3RQ..*_gcl_au*NTkwNzUxMTc1LjE3MjY1NzI2ODk.*_ga*MTkzMDI1NjAxOC4xNzI2NTcyNjkw*_ga_NZB590FMHY*MTcyNjU3MjY4OS4xLjAuMTcyNjU3MjY4OS42MC4wLjA.
Or consider the similar XR5 from JK Antennas, which has wide gap in middle to allow for side mounting or in your case tilt plate. And round boom, no adapter needed. Great support too.


Jon P. Zaimes, AA1K

Tower climber for hire



Reviews of AA1K tower work on eham website: http://www.eham.net/reviews/detail/12922


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On Thursday, September 12, 2024, 12:19 PM, Art Greenberg <art at artg.tv> wrote:

I'm considering buying the subject antenna. I want to mount it on an 
existing NN4ZZ TiltPlate.

The old NN4ZZ site shows an adapter for the OptiBeam square booms. In 
this case, the boom is 40mm square and a 2.5-inch OD aluminum tube is 
used as an adapter. That's all good. I can fabricate the adapter or 
puchase it pre-made if it is available from Degen Designs.

But I have questions about this particular antenna. Will the adapter 
clear the phasing lines that run under the boom sufficiently? Does the 
element spacing around the nominal center of the boom allow for the 
18-inch TiltPlate? Will the elements nearest the mast clear the tower as 
it is tilted over?

OptiBeam does not make the antenna manual available without purchase, 
and dimensional information that would answer my questions is not 
available from OptiBeam (I did ask).

Does anyone here have this antenna and can provide the dimensions that I 
need? Even better, has anyone attempted to mount this antenna to a 


Art Greenberg
art at artg.tv


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