TRLog Locking Up trying to backup

Tony and Celia Becker
Tue, 20 Aug 1996 01:11:51 -0600

Hi All!

At 02:54 PM 8/19/96 -0600, Steve Runyon, WQ5G wrote:
>I had a similar problem. TR would lock up on me when running on my
>Dad's portable under DOS. However, it ran great under Warp - OS/2.
>Happened again last Friday, so I called George Fremin.  He suggested
>a memory problem, and we did some experiments that convinced me this is
>probably the case. I would load it under DOS, and right off the bat it had a
>little over 30K of space left accorsing to the window (which I confess
>I had never paid attention to before).  This was without a names
>file loaded.
>Next I loaded it under OS/2 and it showed 80+K space. Never had a problem 
>storing to floppy under os/2 afterwards.  Apparently it takes more than
>30K to store to floppy.   In my case it would just hang and even ctl-alt-del
>would have no effect. Only cycling power would work.

I was able to just push the Reset button.

>So I just did the same as last Jan and ran it under OS/2, worked qwithot
>a hitch. (Got any other stuff you load from autoexec when you 
>bring up the sys?)
>73 de Steve

Yes, I had several things loading high, as well as Contest Voice Blaster (the SoundBlaster Voice Keyer TSR) but still had 29K of memory available as reported by TRLog.

I did some experimenting this evening, moving TSRs and and other stuff out of Upper Memory, etc.  If TRLog reports anything less than 31K of memory available, it crashes when trying to make a backup file.

I tried TRP.EXE (the protected mode version) and it found all 16 MEG of memory!  This allows me to run my network, load CVB, and all my other stuff, and has no problems making backup files.  (It has other problems; memory leaks etc. I guess).

So now both the non-working INITIAL.EX and Mystery Crashing are understood, if not solved.

Does this sound correct to you, Tree?

AE0M, Tony Becker - - Silicon Valley, U.S.A.