Troy Majors
Thu, 22 Aug 1996 11:04:04 -0500 (CDT)


JJ> A "grid" is a 2x1 degree square, and a "field" is a 20x10 degree square as
JJ> defined by the Maidenhead system.

It's no wonder that people are confused.  We now have "GRID" to worry
about, in addition to FIELD, SQUARE, and SUBSQUARE. And we are calling
Fields, Squares.

The Maidenhead system adopted in Europe in 1980 was G4ANB's 
proposal, though SM5AGM was no doubt the "father" of the system. 
It defined only FIELDS, SQUARES, & SUBSQUARES, no mention of "GRIDS".  

Does anyone know how SQUARES came to be called GRIDS?  I'm not
a VHF'er and don't know the history of how the terms came to be 

In additon to GRIDS, common ham usage in the US seems to refer to
GRID SQUARES as the whole six-digit Grid Locator or any part therof.
So...confusion!  And none of them are "square" -- all rectangular.

I vote that we go back to the original usage as defined by SM5AGM
and G4ANB (at least this is the way I understand them, correct me
please if I am wrong):
                Grid -- the system or place in the system of 
                        lontitudes & latitudes as defined by 
                        the Maidenhead system
                Grid Locator  --  The whole six-digits that locates 
                                  a QTH on the Grid as defined by 
                                  the Maidenhead system
                Field  --  The first two digits of the Locator
                Square --  The second two digits of the Locator
                Subsquare -- The third two digits of the Locator

                And alternates:
                Grid Field -- same as Field
                Grid Square  -- same as Square
                Grid Subsquare -- same as Subsquare

And it would be assumed that in order properly to identify a
GRID SQUARE on the earth, you would have to include the FIELD, and 
in order properly to identify a GRID SUBSQUARE on the earth, you 
would have to include the FIELD and the SQUARE.  So, proper usage 
would allow for the term GRID SQUARE to refer also to the first four 
digits, as is now currently done, but NOT to the first two digits
or the last two digits or to all six digits. 

How did I get off on this?  Must not have got enough sleep last
night.  (I'm not an English teacher.)  


Troy WI0R

 þ RM 1.31  þ Eval Day 41 þ