Version 5.93 Radio Port help

James Leahy
Sat, 14 Dec 1996 16:02:26 -0500

I just received my first copy of TRlog. Everything sets up OK except my
radio won't interface properly. Packet, CW port all work OK. TR won't read
switching, ALT-B or V etc. Brand C program works ok. I'm using com4 for the
interface which works ok with CT, DXBase etc. Rig is a TS680s, using IF
232c interface box. I've tried calling it TS940, TS440 etc. I know the rig
is interfaced as when I use the shift key to tune the band, the LED readout
blinks on the rig. Any ideas where I've screwed up?

Jim  K2JL

Jim Leahy