Antenna Difficulties
Bill McFadden
Sun, 22 Dec 1996 08:49:26 +0000
Just thought I would put up the results of what everyone sent me and
the outcome.
Everyone said that it was RF getting back into the antenna. I seem to
agree with this and will be breaking out the toroids.
George suggested to make the lpt port less sensitive to RF by using
PTT ENABLE = FALSE. I tried this and it worked fine at 100 watts. So
I switch the amp on and got as far as 350 watts before it started
I think this is the first time that I have tried the box on 40M as I
am getting ready for the RAC Winter Contest. Oh by the way nice to
see a logging program that does a Canadian Contest.
Thank for all the help and replies. But the message up before I went
to bed, got up in the morning and 10 messages sitting there waiting
for me. Much appreciated.
73's and Merry Xmas
Bill (ve1rj)