george fremin iii
Tue, 9 Jul 1996 15:41:26 -0500 (CDT)
John Barry EI7DNB writes:
>I'm new to TR log, but I've been trying to network
>two PC's for next weekend's IARU.
>However, the QSO's are not sent across the network in
>real time, both can be several qso out of 'phase'.
>Also the two computers do not keep the serial numbers
>correct because of the delay sending the qso's across.
>Is there something I need to setup to get this working
>properly? I'm using the shareware version 4.05 at
>the moment.
The only way to fix this "problem" is to upgrade the
current versio of the software. In 4.05 the qsos
get sent across the network only after they scroll off
the top of the edit window. It is still usable - the
qso number can be fixed up with POST after the
contest. The current version has several features
that make if much more multi-computer freindly.
George Fremin III
Austin, Texas C.K.U. Sun spots? I don't need no stinkin' sunspots!
WB5VZL Just give me a good Es cloud.