TR - first impression... suggestions wanted!

Gene Shablygin
Thu, 18 Jul 1996 10:28:51 -0500

Hi everybody...

I used TR logger first time in the IARU contest, so maybe I did
something wrong. In general, I like this program, but there are
some definite disadvantages comparing to CT (which I used before).
The question is -- if I simply did not read the manual carefully,
or those features are not implemented in TR (yet)?

1. Old QSO edit. If I misprinted a callsign, and logged the QSO,
and later try to work this station again, I receive a message
"QSO before at XX:XX" (eventually, my correspondent uses CT).
I can not scroll back to my old QSO with wrong call and make a
correction, if it is not one of last 5 QSOs, right? How can I handle
this situation?

2. When I see that the QSO is dupe, how can I know WHEN I made the
first QSO, to advice my correspondent to make a correction.

3. Call check partial shows only a few of possible calls (just one
line), so after, say, 300 QSO it is useless. It was especially right
during the IARU -- type K6 ... can you gess, if you worked K6W,
while all the line is filled with K6A, K6B, K6C,...?

4. The band plan is great... but why don't you save it on the disk?
If the program crashes, after the restart it is empty! Of course,
those who have PC/XT and ST-225 maybe can't afford to use this
feature (so it must be switcheable), but what about people with
pentiums and 8 ms disks? I would like to be in the exactly same
environment after the restart, as I was before the crash.

5. I want to keep frequencies of each qso for my log. I use to
export my contest logs into my general logging program (AEA
LogWindows), and of course, I want to have real frequency in my
new log. As soon as those frequencies already known by TR, it
is so easy to incorporate them into LOG.DAT. Again, this feature
must be switchable (for those, who do not have radio controlled
by computer).

6. To import my log into LogWindows, I nedded to use a text
processor and Excel to rearrange the log. Does anybody know
the easier way?

Suggestions and comments appreciated

Gene AB5GY / RA3AA