TR Log news

Rus Healy
Thu, 25 Jul 1996 08:43:17 -0400 (EDT)

On Wed, 24 Jul 1996, Tim Totten, KJ4VH wrote:

> I'd like to be able to enter a grid square and display the great circle
> distance and bearing to the center of the grid (4-digit) or even subgrid
> (6-digit).  This might sound like fluff, but it would really be useful for
> long-haul skeds and the like due to the narrow beamwidth of VHF/UHF
> arrays.

This is *not* fluff! CT and W2HPF's program, VHFTEST (which a lot of the
Rochester-area guys use), both have this feature. I can't imagine doing a
serious VHF contest, or even a casual one, without it. Please add it, Tree!

--73, Rus

Rus Healy, NJ2L
MDS, Rochester, New York