no data coming back from the radio, other minor irritants

Bob Lanning
Tue, 05 Nov 1996 14:24:06 -0800

Tony and Celia Becker wrote:
> Hi Guys!
> At 04:07 PM 11/4/96 -0800, wrote:
> >> I arrived at K0KE 45 min before the contest start and did not have time to
> >> debug the interface with the FT-1000.  TR talked to it ok - love that r/l
> >> shift tuning! - but it would not talk to the program. Changing the band on
> >> the radio had no effect on the program.
> At 04:07 PM 11/4/96 -0800, Larry Tyree wrote:
> >Sounds to me like the FT-1000 has the older firmware in it.
> Or the radio is waiting for the computer to pull the RTS pin high before sending the data, and since TRLog does not support these hardware handshake lines, it never happens.
> We had these same symptoms  at W6BIP M/S.  The TS870 manual states that the radio will not send data to the computer without one.  (The things you find out on Sunday afternoon while tuning for a Wyoming station).
> minor stuff for Georges' todo list:
> LOVE the new TRMASTER.DTA!  but it certainly will be nice if the cursor stayed at the beginning of the exchange window after a partial exchange is displayed.  The parsing can't tell a # from a ck, and so they get into the wrong fields unless you hit HOME first.
> Also, the initial exchange would be much more readable if the program inserted a space between the check and section.
> Lastly, how DO you get the TOTAL OFF TIME to work?  \off is treated like a bad callsign.
> 73
> AE0M, Tony Becker - - Silicon Valley, U.S.A.
Hay Tony,

Would be nice to hit the return key once in a while.  One of your lines
was over 300 characters long.  My Netscape Gold 3.0 Mail could not get
to the period in your line.  It is interesting how in REPLY Netscape
line wraped your lines so the fit.  I found the end of your line!

Bob Lanning    73's de W6OPO