Correcting Callsign

Thu, 7 Nov 1996 12:40:00 -0800

>>How do you enter the two or three contacts you've made
>>manually without having the computer send redundant stuff
>>on the air?
>For this situation, you can disable cw by using ALT-K.
>It's rather cumbersome to use this for just one part of
>one qso, but if there is more than one to be entered, it
>becomes an efficient approach.
>Dave, K6LL

Dave, you are absolutely right.  I've been using TR since version 4.00
and I'd overlooked that feature for that situation.  Duh.

However, I would still like to request a CQ mode equivalent to ctrl-\ so
that I could move forward when I'm in a bind as though I pressed <enter>
but without sending anything.

It probably would be best to have it be the same key for either point in
the process.  Ctrl-<enter> makes good logical sense as the key you use
when you want to use <enter> but can't.

If it's ctrl-\ for both, I also kinda wish ctrl-\ could be programmed
into a single key like F11 so I could get to it more quickly than having
to use a key combination.

This feature could help CT users and other TR neophytes assimilate
better, by giving them a parallel non-automated sequence as a starting

Thanks for the hint, Dave, and tia Tree for considering my request.

Dave K5GN