QSL Labels
Mon, 11 Nov 1996 17:13:35 -0500
Hi gang,
> > This is a "request for feature" in disguise. I would at least like to
> > send the labels to a file for improved sorting into the right label
> > format.
> >
> > K5GN
> > ----------
> > >I use a HP InkJet printer. How do I get the QSL lables to
> > >print on sheets and not all down one side?
> > >
> > >73, Ron,
> > >
> > >.........KU7Y.....ARCI #8829.....Monte "Ron" Stark.....
> Well, folks... here is my thinking about this. Actually, I haven't
> thought much about QSL labels in a long time. But, it seems I need
> to decide what importance they are going to have in TR Log.
> When I originally put QSL labels into POST, it was because there
> wasn't really any other way of getting them done. Today, there are
> many programs available that will take my log files and generate all
> sorts of things. This includes award tracking, QSL labels and other
> fun things.
> I don't have the time or energy to keep up with these types of
> programs in this area. Therefore, I suggest if the minimal label
> QSL label support in POST isn't what you want, that you invest
> in one of these other programs (WJ2O comes to mind).
> I think most of you would rather have me continue to focus on what
> happens during the contest instead of diluting my time with what
> happens after it.
> 73 Tree N6TR
> Director of Strategic Planning
> tree@contesting.com
I can't agree more. Why should Tree write something that's already on the
market. Besides my own program, I have a half dozen good competors that
import TR log files and print out your labels with a variety of options.
It's the same answer I give to my customers who ask when I'm going to add a
module for contesting. I ain't gonna do it!
73, Dave, WJ2O