QSL Labels

Takao KUMAGAI je1cka@dumpty.nal.go.jp
Tue, 12 Nov 1996 09:58:17 +0900

on 96/11/11, Larry Tyree writes:

: When I originally put QSL labels into POST, it was because there
: wasn't really any other way of getting them done.  Today, there are
: many programs available that will take my log files and generate all
: sorts of things.  This includes award tracking, QSL labels and other
: fun things.

  I accept this. I use both CT and TR for the contest. CT for M/M at 
KH0AM because still many ops prefer to use it but I personaly use 
TR for my own contesting. I'd like to do all QSL chore in one program 
So I import both log data into my dBASE program.
  There is a free QSL printing program here in JA and I advice some 
of JA TR users to use it for QSL printing. I have not heard any upgrade 
request on QSLpringting in POST here.

: I think most of you would rather have me continue to focus on what
: happens during the contest instead of diluting my time with what
: happens after it.

Yes, exactly.
	Tack Kumagai JE1CKA/KH0AM
	TEL:81-30-066-6408, FAX:81-423-93-4449
	Internet: je1cka@nal.go.jp