Network - tweaking and perfecting
Don Moman
Don Moman <>
Sun, 17 Nov 1996 22:37:33 -0700 (MST)
Our initial feeling was that the network worked GREAT! We just ran a
simple 2 computer set up with packet:
Computer 1.....DX 4/100 running Ft1000/TNC/LINK with 3 com ports
Computer 2..... 386SX25 (i think) just LINK
Both ran the band map feature (can't live without that!)
Logged qso's went from 2 to 1 instantly (MAYBE, at most a couple out of
1400 didn't make it right away), but frequently qsos going from 1 to 2
didn't show up for a "while" (may be the 30 seconds mentioned in the
posting), but they ALWAYS did show up and the system never got the numbers
out of sync at all.....The longer wait at times was a problem but the ops
were close enough they could co-ordinate the serial numbers...I don't know
why some qso's took longer to make it, but again we monitored by "sides"
of the link with a dual channel scope - NO RF present at all. Perhaps if
both computers had been more equal in speed, the variances wouldn't have
happened. At times the network was fairly busy with packet etc but never
came close to getting bogged down like I saw earlier with our CQWW SSB
Perhaps the retry time can be adjusted or maybe I should have run TR SLOW
on the 2nd computer. Anyway, we were pleased and certainly will feel
comfortable running it in CQWW CW next.....
73 Don
VE6JY is Don Moman email:
Box 127 Lamont, Alberta
T0B 2R0 (403) 895-2925