Unintentional jump to S&P
Rod Greene
Thu, 21 Nov 96 07:51 MST
Hi All,
Same experience here. I quickly learned to hit the Escape Key when finished
to put me back in the Run mode.
73, Rod
At 11:46 PM 11/20/96 -0700, Jim - KK7A wrote:
> Many times during the SS Phone test I did something on the keyboard that
seemed natural but caused problems and slowed me down. While CQing I would
type in a partial call in the call window and go ahead and work the guy
saying something like "the W7X something station" you are #.... When that
station came back to me with my exchange, I accidently hit the TAB key to
get down to the exchange field which to my suprise, put me in S&P mode for
the next QSO. It wasn't a suprise until the next guy called and my DVP
answered with my callsign.
> It would be nice if any characters were in the callsign field, the TAB
wouldn't do that. In other words, unless the callsign field is blank, don't
switch modes.
> I realize that if I hit RETURN instead of TAB everything worked okay, but
my mind didn't want to do that all the time with partial calls for some
reason! Must be getting old.
> 73, Jim
>Jim Larson - KK7A - <><
>Boise, Idaho
----- Rod Greene, w7zrc@micron.net, <>< -----