TR Overlay
Thu, 21 Nov 1996 13:53:55 -0500
I know that the basic template overlay for TRLog has remained the same almost
since its inception. Do you have any plans to change it?
I would like to see the current band column as close as possible to the
callsign and/or exchange fields. I'm looking for an FT-1000 or Omni 6, which
will track band changes automatically with the software, but I will still
have one radio that will not provide band data to the program.
I often find myself concentrating so hard on typing in the call and the
exchange information that I often miss the fact that I haven't changed bands
on the computer. Ideally, I'd like to see the band in use immediately to the
left of the callsign, highlighted in a different color than the rest of the
log information.
Ideally, I'd like to see the band in use column moved directly to the right
of the callsign field, prior to exchange info. That way, after you've typed
in the callsign, you can quickly confirm the band being used. Band changes
would be made as normal, and the cursor would skip across the band column
from the callsign field to the exchange field. I realize that the log
information is currently in a format that is required for electronic log
submission, but swapping the columns could probably be done in a POST
Anyone else see merit in this?
73, Paul, KB8N