Tr Post questions

Michael Causey
Thu, 28 Nov 1996 03:51:54 -0600 (CST)

Hi George,

I had a great time working CQWW this past weekend with TR. Trial & Error.
The knowledge base is increasing ever so slightly.  After the contest was
finished I ran Post.Exe.  I have marked my dupes, etc.  What else do I need
to do in order to send my disc in for scoring?  I have noticed that everyone
is ending their scores in to the fellow who publishes the unofficial scores
over the internet.  All of these scores have QSO Pts and Pts per QSO within
them.  Is this necessary, because I don't see this listed anywhere in my
scoring, the way I have it set up presently.  Also, do I make my disc to be
scored in "ARRL approved Format" ?  
Tnx a million for the info over the phone last week concerning my
paddle/keyer and TR.  I did as you said and my paddle works just fine,
except I can't get the sidetone through the computer(tr generated) to turn
off when sending.  This isn't a problem when sending cw via keyboard.  I
know that these are trivial questions, but I won't ever ask them more than
once, I PROMISE!  73, hope you did well in the contest.  HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!

Mike  N5ZX.