5.85 and QEMM

PaulKB8N@aol.com PaulKB8N@aol.com
Thu, 24 Oct 1996 21:12:23 -0400


Received the replacement disk today.  Kept running into problems loading on
my 586-133 computer, getting various run-time errors.  I loaded it up on my
office Pentium and it worked great.

When I tried to figure out what was happening, I realized that I had copied
my entire hard drive from my old 386 system to the 586's hard drive, which
included an older copy of QEMM.  Once I removed QEMM, everything booted
normally and worked perfectly.  Some other minor glitches with other programs
also were cleared up with the removal of QEMM.  Obviously the QEMM was not
well-suited to the 586 architecture.

I know that Tree cautions about using memory managers with TRLog, and this is
just another reminder of what can happen with some hardware/software
combinations.  George, thanks for the quick response on the replacement

73,  Paul, KB8N