New version later tonight

Larry Tyree
Thu, 5 Sep 1996 09:33:08 -0700 (PDT)

Thanks to everyone who has done some testing with 5.77 and given me feedback.

I believe I have found root cause for all of the .DTA related problems
reported and those will be fixed in this release.  Also, the sort
routine is implemented.  John, K2MM, helped with the sort procedure and
it is FAST!.  A 866K .DTA file is sorted in about 11 seconds on my 
133 mHz Pentium here at work.

George, WB5VZL, is shipping me an IC-761 so I can work on the interface 
problem.  Hopefully we will have that fixed in a week or two.

Look for the new release around 0500Z tomorrow morning (UTC date).

And don't forget the NCJ Sprint coming up on Saturday/Sunday.  

Tree N6TR