european vhf contest

Cedric Baechler HB9HFN
Fri, 13 Sep 1996 21:28:47 +0100

>The next version will allow 6 digit grid square.

Hi Tree, tks for your support!

Just got the 5.80 and found the following problems with the EU VHF contest:

- I can't start TR if "HOME GRID SQUARE" is defined with 6 char in LOGCFG.DAT
  (wrong check maybe ??).

- TR crashes when I enter a station having the same grid square as mine!

- In the summary sheet:

                           EUROPEAN VHF SUMMARY SHEET
   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   

    2CW       11          11       6416 

 Totals       11          11       6416 

    Final Score = 0 points.
Final score is not updated!

- In the LOG.DAT:


 Band    Date    Time  QSO#  Call worked   Sent Rcvd Rcvd   Qth            Pts
 ----    ----    ----  ----  -----------   ---- ---- ----  -----          ---
  2CW  13-Sep-96 17:15    1  HB9X           599  599    1  jn36no            6
  2CW  13-Sep-96 17:15    2  HB9Y           599  599    3  jn36mp            5
  2CW  13-Sep-96 17:17    3  DL0X           599  599  444  jo43wj           782
  2CW  13-Sep-96 17:18    4  PI4X           599  599  466  jo33kk           760
  2CW  13-Sep-96 17:30    5  OH1X           599  599    3  jp33ll           1879
The format is perhaps not what it should be: e.g     6

73, Cedric HB9HFN