[TRLog] Release notes - TR Log 6.00

Larry Tyree tree@lady.axian.com
Mon, 14 Apr 1997 00:05:37 -0700 (PDT)

          Release notes for TR Logging Program - Version 6.00
                               14 April 1997

Version 6.00 - Released 14 April 1997

 - Added RST AND CONTINENT exchange for the SOUTH AMERICAN WW contest.
   This contest has also been updated with new rules.

 - Added TEXAS QSO PARTY.  Use MY STATE = TEX before the CONTEST statement
   if you are in Texas.  TEXAS.DOM gets used if you are outside of Texas,
   and TEXASTX.DOM gets used if you are in Texas.  Some cleanup of these
   files has been done.  Also, you will need to count the state of Texas
   yourself if you are in Texas.

 - Added DVP PATH logcfg command + control J.  Use this instead of putting
   SET DVPPATH in your AUTOEXEC file.  Example: DVP PATH = D:\

 - Fixed bug with auto SCP and using AUTO SEND cw.  When you press the
   letter of the callsign that starts the CW, the SCP display would not
   update until you pressed another letter.  This is now fixed.

 - Fixed not saying hello to portable stations.

 - By rearranging some of the procedures used during logging of a
   QSO, the display now updates much faster than before.  This should
   really help those with slow disks or computers.

 - When callign station with RETURN in S&P - it is now added to bandmap.

 - When in S&P and you change a call in the exchange - the bandmap &
   station info now get updated with the new call.

 - Fixed display formating problem in Auto CQ if time >= 10 seconds.

 - Made CQ entries in band map show up when using DVK.

 - Made BROADCAST ALL PACKET DATA not do anything if no network port.
   This fixes a very bad bug if you tried to use the packet port without
   a network.

 - Fixed SLASH MARK CHARACTER -> CHAR from Control-J into LOGCFG.DAT file.

Version 5.99 + 5db - Released 14 March 1997

This is a pre WPX SSB test version.  While all new features have been
tested, there are some people exercising this version over the weekend.
I hope to add a few more new multi-multi features over the weekend and
have another release before WPX.

 - This version includes a improved multi network.  You should see the
   network be even more responsive than before.  There was a timing bug
   identified which caused some network messages not make it around the
   first time.  Also, the bandwidth in the network has been increased.

 - There is now a full packet interface on all network computers.  It
   basically works the same as if you were using the computer connected
   directly to the TNC (using Control-B).  The only minor difference is
   that data is only sent after a carriage return.  Therefore, if you want
   to issue TNC commands from a remote computer, you need to enter
   Control-C, followed by a RETURN.

   Commands that you type in on a remote computer have a local echo, and
   you can use the backspace key to correct typing mistakes.  When the
   command is sent to the TNC, you will see the command echoed by the
   TNC as well.

   Associated with this feature is the new parameter BROADCAST ALL PACKET
   DATA.  When TRUE (the default), all data coming from the TNC is
   broadcast to the network so it can be viewed with Control-B on any PC.

 - To solve the QSO number problem in a WPX multi-multi, the new parameter
   QSO NUMBER BY BAND (default = FALSE) has been added.  When TRUE, your
   QSO numbers generated by the # character in a CW message, will come
   from the total number of contacts for the band you are on, instead of
   the total number of contacts.

 - There was a bug with START SENDING NOW KEY appearing in your LOGCFG.DAT
   file.  The program was looking for START SENDING CALL KEY.  Now, either
   one will work.

 - If you wrote the QUESTION MARK CHAR to your LOGCFG.DAT file from the
   Control-J menu, it didn't have the right format.  This is fixed.

 - Created a FT900 setting for radio type.  Howver, there might be a
   problem with this radio when in split (still being investigated).
   It is currently the same as the FT890.

 - There were some problems with the Yaesu radio setups if they were used
   for radio two.  These all work the same as radio one now.

 - You can include a dash in the radio types (i.e. FT-900) and it will
   work the same as FT890.

 - Improved instructions for generic TRMASTER data from file routine in
   POST.  I hope it makes more sense now.


 - The Control-Enter feature didn't work in SSB when in Search and Pounce.
   Now - no DVK/DVP messages are sent if you use Control-Enter.

 - Disabled RIT from the shift keys during ControlJ.

 - Made beam heading display use country ID instead of callsign.  Some
   callsigns (i.e. KH8/N5OLS) would be too long for the window.

 - You know how the program always says DVP OFF when you don't even
   have a DVP?  It now will say nothing in this case.  Also, it will
   say DVK ON/OFF if you are using a DVK.  DVK ON is now the the initial
   state when you are using a DVK.

   This window also looks different in CW.  The code speed is always
   displayed now - even with NO CW.  This is because you may still be
   interested in your speed when sending manually.

 - Many DVK improvements.  The function key memories are cleaned up when
   using the DVK (no DVP filenames).  CQ F1 to F4 are defined as DVK1 to
   DVK4.  You can now store DVK message from the Alt-P menu just like the
   DVP.  You do not need to use the TSR program anymore.  The bug in 5.99
   requiring you to have DVPTSR installed to run the DVK is fixed.  In
   short, the DVK is now fully integrated into the program.

Version 5.99 - Released 25 February 1997

 - Many DVK improvements.  If you are not using the DVK port as a band
   output port, you may not abort a message in progress.  This can be
   done with the ESCAPE key, or by activating a function key message
   with the value DVK0.

   Instead of hard wiring the DVK messages to the function keys F1-F4,
   you may program which keys will activate the memories by setting
   the values to DVK1 to DVK4.  As a default, the CQ FUNCTION keys
   F1 to F4 are set to DVK1 to DVK4.  However, you now have control
   over which messages get sent in the S&P mode.  Also, CQ F10 is set
   to DVK0 as a default (standard key to abort DVK message for some

 - Allowed the Alt-L command to be executed during Auto-CQs.

 - Added Control-[ @ to send a space and call window if the is a question
   mark in the call.  This was requested so if you entered a partial
   callsign with a ? in it, you can have it sent again at the end of
   your CQ EXCHANGE message.  Simply put a Control-[ and @ in your
   message.  If there is a ? in the callsign (as shown in the call
   window), it will send a space, and then the call window contents.

 - In the ARRL DX contest, if had a non numeric initial exchange (like
   KW), the program would show you remaining mults for KW.  This bug is
   now fixed.

 - If you pressed Control-Enter while completing a Search and Pounce
   QSO and your cursor was in the call window, the program would still
   send CW.  This is now fixed.

 - Added CQMODE and SAPMODE CW commands.  To use these commands in
   a CW message, put a Control-C, then the command, followed by a
   Control-D.  The CQMODE command will force you to be in the CQ
   mode, and the SAPMODE command will force you to be in the Search
   and Pounce mode.

 - CW ENABLE command added (default = TRUE).  When set to FALSE, all
   cw from the program is disabled (except for that sent with the

 - Fixed missing equal sign after ICOM COMMAND PAUSE command when saved
   in the LOGCFG.DAT file from the Control-J menu.

 - If you are sending CW from the keyboard (using F10), pressing F10
   again will stop keyboard CW (just like ESCAPE).

 - Improved POST's dupesheet performance.  It was really slow and
   should work much faster now.

 - Added SPACE BAR DUPE CHECK ENABLE command (default = TRUE).  If you
   set this to FALSE, pressing the SPACE BAR in CQ MODE will always
   send your call and put you into the Search and Pounce mode.

 - Fixed INITIAL EXCHANGE = QTH coming up with VE initial exchanges for
   callsigns not in the database.

 - Made the Alt-Z command show station info for a new callsign.

Version 5.98 - Released on 1 February 1997

 - Updated OKOM.DOM file.

 - Fixed multiplier check off sheet (POST R M C).

 - Added selection of add/no-add calls not in TRMASTER with vanity updates.

 - Simplified POST's U E F menu to use one general purpose command for
   most file updates.

 - Fixed title for ARRL VHF SS contest.

   to place cursor in exchange window where you want it.  This is
   available on the Control-J menu.

 - Fixed bug where POST got confused if a comment appeared after the
   contest name in LOGCFG.DAT file.

 - Increased resolution of AutoCQ pause times to one half second.

 - Fixed error message at end of uudecode process.

 - Improved TR SENDCW command - now allows use of the special control
   characters just like function key memories.

 - Added FARNSWOTH SPEED parameter - initial value = 25.  Availalbe on
   Control-J menu.  This allows you to adjust the speed where the
   farnsworth effect starts to cut in.  Use higher values for more
   farnsworth effect.

 - Added new CW control character - ControlLeftBracket.  When found in
   a CW message, it expects a single integer after it (2-8).  If it
   finds a 2, it will toggle the FARNSWORTH ENABLE.  3 through 8 will
   set the FARNSWORTH SPEED command to various values as follows:

   3 - 25   4 - 35   5 - 45   6 - 55   7 - 75 and 8 - 95 WPM.

There was no 5.97 release.

Version 5.96 released on 12 January 1997

 - Added way to process ARRL 10 meter log into TRMASTER.

 - Added CUSTOM as an INITIAL EXCHANGE choice.  Process the string defined
   with CUSTOM INITIAL EXCHANGE STRING to build an initial exchange.  The
   following elements may be used:

      CQZONE    ITUZONE   NAME      QTH       SECTION   USER1     USER2
      USER3     GRID      FOC       CHECK     OLDCALL   TENTEN

   CQZONE and ITUZONE will first look in the TRMASTER database for an
   entry.  If it doesn't find one, it will use the data in CTY.DAT to
   determine the zone.

 - Expanded available choices for USER INFO SHOWN to include:

      ZONE      USER 1    USER 2    USER 3    CUSTOM    FOC NUMBER

   Note that CUSTOM is a choice here now as well.  This will process
   the string CUSTOM USER STRING to build the display.  The following
   elements may be used:

      CQZONE    ITUZONE   NAME      QTH       SECTION   USER1     USER2
      USER3     GRID      FOC       CHECK     OLDCALL   TENTEN

   CQZONE and ITUZONE will first look in the TRMASTER database for an
   entry.  If it doesn't find one, it will use the data in CTY.DAT to
   determine the zone.

 - Fixed O command in U E E editor (Old Call) - it would do nothing before.
 - Eliminated bad crash if trying to use SCP with too little free memory.
 - Send corrected call before 73 message with QSLButDoNotLog & bad exchange.
 - Eliminated possible truncation of sprint simulator exchange.
 - Fixed nameless calls being fetched in SPRINT simulator.
 - Added QCWA GOLDEN contest (no scoring) + CheckAndChapterOrQTHExchange.
 - Made | character only send name and space if there is a name there.
 - Disabled shift keys during execution of the Alt-L command.
 - Added POST R L - List multipliers worked.
 - Made GetBeamHeading not crash if target grid same grid as MY GRID.
 - Made entering DX QTH in Sprint unnecessary.

Manual for 5.95 available via anonymous ftp to jzap.com in pub/n6tr.
Look for man593.zip (word for windows 6.0) or man593w2.zip (word for
windows 2.0).  This files can also be found on the TRLOG BBS.

Version 5.95 released on 21 December 1996

 - Fixed bug with a six letter KC6 or KA2 call when the first five letters
   matched an entry for Palau (T7) or Japan.  The six letter calls now
   show as USA.

 - If you specified a HOME GRID, but were not using a contest that used
   grids as multipliers, the program would come up in VGA mode, but not
   put up the grid map.  Now the program will not go into VGA mode.

 - Added ARCI QSO PARTY contest.

 - If you were adding a file to TRMASTER that contained duplicates, it
   was possible for multiple entries to be made in the TRMASTER file.
   This has been fixed.  If you have multiple entries, you will need to
   regenerate your TRMASTER file using the new version of POST.

 - Increased MaximumCountries from 400 to 510.  This is used by some
   people for the FOC contest and they need 500.


 - Added procedure to move sections from ARRL 160 log to TRMASTER database.

 - Made all ARRL Section QSOs in ARRL 160 count two points.

 - Added DISTANCE start up for calculating distance between two grids.
   To use, type TR DISTANCE and then enter the two grids.

 - Fixed POST's L M multiplier check for ARRL 10 meter contest.  Previously
   it would not recognize domestic multipliers correctly.

 - Added ARRL 10 QSOPointMethod - now /N and /T CW QSOs are 8 points.

 - If you tried to use TR READ with an ARRL 10 meter log, it would hang
   when it found a DX station.  This has been fixed.

 - Fixed some potential divide by zeros when computing grid distance.

 - Appear to have fixed the LPT1 problem with video and paddle port.

 - Reworked POST's QSL routines which interface to the names database.  All
   routines now use TRMASTER for their names.  New name data entered during
   QSL process is not saved in TRMASTER or NAMES.CMQ.  Instead, a file called
   NAMES.NEW is generated.  This file can be imported into TRMASTER using the
   POST U E F N file read command.

 - The POST R V command (view notes) did not properly close the output
   file.  This meant if you were saving them to a disk file, some of
   the last entries were missing.  This has been fixed.

 - When doing a base 64 decode (TR DEBASE64), the byte count showed the
   number of bytes in the input file, not the output file.  Also, some
   improvements have been made to the routine to cover some different
   file formats I have seen recently.

 - The Section initial exchange was broken - it gave check and section.
   Now it only gives you the section.

Version 5.94 - Released on 7 December 1996.

 - Removed RIT commands for Yaesu - there isn't any way to make it work
   with their firmware.

 - Fixed FT1000 commands in LOGCFG.DAT file.

 - Added OldCall as a USER FIELD which can be displayed (Control-J).

 - Added routine to load in Old call / New call update file.  A file
   with the call changes from gate two is available as "gatetwo". It
   has been included with this release.  You can also get it from the
   BBS or ftp to jzap.com in the pub/n6tr directory.

 - Created OldCall field in TRMASTER database.  Maximum length 12 bytes.

 - Fixed QSL label T command - was broken when went to CTY.DAT file.

Version 5.93 - Released on 4 December 1996 (5.92 was only used at W7RM)

 - Made inactive radio's band output port follow radio band change.
   Before, you would have to Alt-R to the radio and have it's band
   displayed for this to happen.

 - Added Section initial exchange - just in time for the ARRL 160.

 - Added FARNSWORTH ENABLE.  Default is false and you can get to it with
   (Control-J).  I like how it works without having to adjust the speed.
   Try it.  If you really think the cut in needs to be programmable,
   I will do it.

 - Made SCP work with characters added during AutoStartSend.  Before
   the SCP display would stop updating after CW started.

 - Made reminder posted messages stay up fixed number of seconds (60).
   Before they would stay up until the next minute rolled around on
   the clock.  Eliminates the possibility of a message only being
   displayed for one second if it is posted just before a new minute.

   Reminder posted messages are also used for network error messages
   and Packet Spot announcements.

 - Improved multi nework error messages.  Instead of just the nework
   broken message after the 10th retry, you get a warning after 5 retries.

 - Made the Control-Enter function (don't send CW) work for the S&P

 - Added IC781 as radio type and send narrow filter command with mode.
   Let me know what other radios need this.

 - Added summary sheet for Stew Perry contest.

 - Added the FT990 as a interfaced radio choice.  Fixed the split
   function for this radio.

 - Attempt to make RIT shift keys work with Yaesu radios.  Let me know
   if it works.

 - Added Control-W to erase window contents.  Works the same as ESCAPE
   without stopping CW.

Version 5.91 - Released 19 November 1996

 - Made Control-\ or Control-Enter not disable function key CW messages.
 - Changed FT990 RIT increment from 10 to 20 hertz (same as 4.05).
 - Fixed bug with no CW space after / sign.

Version 5.90 - Released 18 November 1996

 - Made = key work again (QuickQSLMessage2).  This is an undocumented
   feature that was removed a few versions ago, and someone missed it!
   It will send EE as a QSL message.

 - Added split frequency set for FT990.  The command that the FT-1000
   has for setting the B vfo doesn't exist on the 890/990.  I now switch
   to the B VFO, set the frequency, then switch back to the A VFO when
   setting the frequency for the B vfo.

 - Put RIT back in for FT990.  Someone said it used to work - the 990
   I had must have had old firmware because it never did.  Hope it works
   now.  Maybe we should try the MP and see if it works (maybe someone
   can play with the MP as a FT990 and see if anything happens).

 - Made FT990 and FT890 same thing.  It used to be the 990 used the same
   commands as the 1000.  However, it looks like the 890 is much closer.
   Entering FT990 as the radio type.

 - Added MULTI RETRY COUNT (default 30 - minimum 3) + Control-J.  This is
   the retry delay for the first two retires.  Set this to 3 or 5 seconds
   per computer in the network (minus 1 computer).

 - Added PACKET ADD LF command (Control-J).  Some packet guys needed this.
   It adds a line feed whenever a carriage return is found.  Default is
   FALSE and you can get to it with Control-J.

 - Improved base 64 decode.  Someone sent me a file that didn't work, but
   it does now.

 - Fixed mode for JST radio.  I was reading the filter width bit, not the
   mode bit.

 - Way to send "unique" CW.  The following control characters have been
   added to send CW elements of various lengths.  The normal dit length
   is 10 and the normal dah length is 30.

   Dah Length = 22  Control-E          Dit Length =  6  Control-P
   Dah Length = 26  Control-Dash       Dit Length =  8  Control-Q
   Dah Length = 30  Control-K          Dit Length = 10  Control-\
   Dah Length = 34  Control-N          Dit Length = 12  Control-V
   Dah Length = 38  Control-O          Dit Length = 14  Control-L

   You can combine these elements with normal characters.  For example,
   you can send a six with a long dah with Control-O followed by an H.
   Control characters can be programmed when using the Alt-P command
   by pressing first Control-P, then the Control character you want.

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/trlogfaq.html
Submissions:              trlog@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  trlog-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-trlog@contesting.com