[TRLog] ptoblem

KB5YVT@aol.com KB5YVT@aol.com
Sun, 3 Aug 1997 09:54:03 -0400 (EDT)

HI all,

Anyone have this problem running a multi with 2 computers?

Ver 6.01

Sometimes the computer switches to Rig 2 without being given the Alt R
command?  Using a TS 950 and rig control.  Strange and doesn't seem to do it
the same each time?  May have to do with using the RIT that is the only thing
that may have been the same each time.  Really messes you up because when it
switchs to Rig 2 it changes the band logged and might take you a few to catch

And I have Two Radio=False in the logcfg.dat so don't know why I can even
switch with the Alt R command?

Anyone see this?

tnx  mike k5nz

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