[TRLog] Two computer insurance...

Larry Tyree n6tr@teleport.com
Mon, 18 Aug 1997 14:21:47 -0700 (PDT)

Billy, AA4NU writes:

> What's the words of wisdom *BEFORE SS* as to ensuring that TR
> and 2 PCs on a network do NOT loose track as to SERIAL NUMBERS ?

It depends on what you think the problems might be caused by.
I will give my thoughts based upon what it is you are trying to
look for:

1. Software / computer problems:  I would use the TR READ feature
to generate network traffic at a high rate.  You can use this on 
one computer and let the other follow along.  If you see any QSOs
out of order, or differences in the count, then there is some kind
of problem to be worked on.  

I have been able to run this test on several versions now without
any problems.  A few people have reported having different QSO
totals - so there might be a problem hiding somewhere.  It is also
possible these are related to a different symptom, or a result of
operator error (deleting a QSO on one computer but not the other).

2. RF - you can run the above test and then transmit on the various
bands and see if you induce any failures.  You can also use the 
TR LOOPBACK feature and see if any garbage gets generated when you

3. Another good test is to hook up a TNC to one of the computers
and then talk to it over the network.  Execute some command that
dumps a lot of data (like show the status of all of the registers).
The network should be able to keep up with the TNC and show data 
in the same order shown.  Remember, commands like Control-C aren't
sent until they are followed by a carriage return (when controlling
the TNC from a remote computer).

Of course, the best test is to get on in some of the contests between
now and the SS and test the system under real conditions.  If you see
a failure, let me know as much as you can about it.  As I work on the
program during the next couple of weeks, I will do what I can to
improve the robustness of the network.

> This version is not the same as last years SS, has anyone tried
> TR READ on your last years SS logs using the network to see how
> it performs with the latest version ? Could be that all is well ?
> But DURING SS is not going to be the time to find out it's not ...

There have been some MAJOR improvements to the network since the last
SS.  Perhaps you used version 5.89, which had a number of network problems
fixed (released on 12 November 1986).  There were still some "hidden"
problems which were resolved in March with version 5.99 + 5 db.  These
problems were found when running test 3 above.  

The sum total of these two significant releases is that you should see
updates occurring instantly on the networked computer - every QSO.  I
expect you saw many delays last year.

Tree N6TR

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