[TRLog] Manual RST-mode problem

K8KFJ@aol.com K8KFJ@aol.com
Tue, 19 Aug 1997 11:23:44 -0400 (EDT)

On 97-08-19 at 06:01 EDT SM0AJV wrote:

>>During the weekend we was using TRLOG at 
>>our OH0-expedition. The program was set
>>up for General QSO mode. I was trying 
>>to use the [ charachter and the switch
>>that is used to not wait for RST manual
>>input if the 'S' key hasn't been pushed
>>in time, sending S=9 instead. This
>>didn't work for me. Has anyone any hint
>>on this?
>>73 de Ingo / SM0AJV

Hello Ingo....

I mentioned this sometime ago in a post to this Reflector...
but since I didn't get any feedback...I assumed no one else
was experiencing this problem with 6.05

73 de Gary /K8KFJ

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