[TRLog] SBDVP Trlog sound card software upgrade

Tony and Celia Becker becker@SPRINTMAIL.COM
Sun, 31 Aug 1997 12:40:49 -0600

Hi All!

At 08:21 PM 8/30/97 -0500, Barry, K8BK wrote:
>When I go into alt-p and try 
>to record using cntl-f1, cursor goes to bottom of screen and seems to 
>ask for a name??  

It is asking for the name of the file in which to store the audio, thinking you want to change the filename.  Perhaps Tree could make the currently active filename appear an screen whenever the ALT-P menu is up.

>Directions say hit Control-f1 and start recording 
>and hit escape to stop.  Never takes any audio.  What STEPS have I 

The keystroke descriptions on the ALT-P menu are anti-mnemonic.  Perhaps Tree can change the prompts to make the procedure clearer.  

Try this; 

ALT-W to "Wrecord" the message from the microphone into the DVP or SBDVP memory.

ALT-R to "Replay" the message in the DVP or SBDVP memory into the Radio.

The CTRL-F1 etc. are shortcut commands which can be used at any time, and do not require you to bring up the ALT-P menu first.

I hope this helps.

Celia and I will CU in CQP from Yuba AND Butte counties.

AE0M, Tony Becker - becker@sprintmail.com - Silicon Valley, U.S.A.

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