[TRLog] TRLog and Computer RFI..HELP!

ehayes@vnet.IBM.COM ehayes@vnet.IBM.COM
Tue, 2 Dec 97 12:28:31 CST

I had a big problem during cqww cw with my computer and TRLog.  I
believe it has to do with the keying from the computer but since
I'm far from an expert....I'm seeking assistance.  I was using an
Icom 765 for the first (cw) time with the program.  I had no problems
during SS phone.  Prior to having the 765, my previous rig was
an Icom 737 with an external power supply which never caused any
problems with the computer and/or the program.  The problem occurred
after about 60 to 70 contacts and after several re-boots (big red
button) continued to occur periodically.  Very frustrating as I'm
sure you would agree.  The problem usually happened when I would
try to log a contact. When it did occur, the computer would not
respond to the keyboard at all.  I even completely lost the log.tmp
file on two different occassions.
The computer is an IBM 75 Mhz pentium with 16 meg ram.  I was running
version 6.16 of TRLog although I doubt that the program had anything
to do with the problem.
So......I need some ideas on what to try to fix this.  If you suggest
beads, please identify the mix and where to put them.

Thanks in advance,
Wayne  AJ5M     ewhayes@vnet.ibm.com
Sign me stumped in Texas......

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