[TRLog] LPT interface causes system crash

Gilbert Baron gbaron@sparc.isl.net
Thu, 04 Dec 1997 08:58:13 -0600

Emil Sirucek wrote:
> Hi,
> please pardon this question but my system crashes when connecting my > keying interface to the parallel port. It worked fine on several 
> machines but my new one P6 200 MHz does this. It seems to be related > to the operating mode of the LPT port (SPP, EPP, ECP and so on).
> Does anybody know what is the matter?

Very likely to be an RF feedback problme I would say.

By the way, PLEASE use word wrap so that you lines are not so long. It
is very inconvenient to require people to do horizontal scrolling to
read your post and some don't have that ability.
Lines of over 200 characters are not nice.
Gil gbaron@sparc.isl.net 
Bailar es vivir

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