[TRLog] Kantronics TNC parameters with TR Log

Jim McDonald N7US n7us@mci2000.com
Thu, 04 Dec 1997 22:14:44 -0700

There have been notes on the reflector about problems connecting
Kantronics TNCs for use with TR Log.  I didn't see a parameter for my
KAM Plus (7.0) equivalent to AEA's AWLEN that can select 7-bit or 8-bit
data.  I couldn't get sustained good results with the EIGHT BIT PACKET
PORT = TRUE command, which I suspect is because TR is set to 2 stop bits
instead of 1 with that command.

Anyway, I received the following note from Kantronics which I thought
may be of interest.  I've tried it and stayed connected to my
PacketCluster node (actually also at my house - with an RF connection)
for a couple days with no problem.

BTW, for general use with the KAM Plus I use KAWin
(http://www.sni.net/kawin/), which is a Windows program that I like very
much.  Though that program prefers to leave the KAM in host mode, it
takes just a bit of extra time for KAWin to load when I set the program
to leave the KAM in terminal mode, which makes TR Log (and DX4WIN)
happy.  I also set KAWin to use 7-bit with no stop bits, consistent with
the PARITY EVEN setting explained below.

Jim N7US
Albuquerque, NM

Ken Baker wrote:
> At 04:03 PM 11/29/97 -0700, you wrote:
> >I have a KAM Plus 7.0.  Is there any parameter to change the number of
> >bits on the RS-232 port to 7 instead of 8?  My PK-88 has an AWLEN
> >parameter that provides this flexibility.  I am having problems using
> >the KAM in terminal mode with the contesting logging program, TR Log,
> >which handles 8/N/2 and 7/E/1, but the KAM only can use 8 bits as far as
> >I can tell.  Thanks.
> >--
> >Jim McDonald N7US
> >Albuquerque, New Mexico
> >n7us@mci2000.com
> The KAM can only use 1 stop bit in either case.
> You can set the KAM to 7 bit data, and even parity, by setting the PARITY
> parameter to EVEN, as described in the KAM Plus manual on page 26.
> Ken Baker
> Service Manager

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