[TRLog] Re: ARCI logcfg.dat

Tree N6TR n6tr@teleport.com
Sun, 7 Dec 1997 04:52:43 -0800 (PST)

> >I don't think there are any membership numbers that are less
> >than 4 digits (are there?) I think it is very clear what 
> >is a member number and what is a power.  I was going to 
> >ask Tree about allowing for a 1w or 5w entry as it 
> >would look better in the log.
> >
>   Obviously Tree has fixed the problem now by accepting W after a nr for
> power, but yes there are a number of active ARCI members with numbers in the
> 2 and 3 digit areas..  But they are well known and it's never been a problem
> in the past (for me at least)..  A number of 51 is definately not a power nr..
>   Thanks for listening to our needs!

These will need to be entered as 0051 so the program knows it is 
a member number.


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