[TRLog] Interesting CW Technique

Monte Stark ku7y@sage.dri.edu
Fri, 12 Dec 1997 10:33:17 -0800 (PST)

An interesting idea has been posted....

How about making the CW speed step size usuer adjustable?

This would let the pge-up/pge-dn take whatever step you

I think it's done by percentage. So it could be 1%, 2% etc.


73, Ron,     SOWP 5545M,

.........KU7Y.....ARCI #8829.....Monte "Ron" Stark.....
....ku7y@sage.dri.edu...........Washoe Lake, Nevada....
....QRP-L #17...ARS #49...NorCal #330.....NRA LIFE.....

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