[TRLog] SO-SB TR antenna switching

Ve3bmv Ve3bmv@aol.com
Sat, 20 Dec 1997 14:57:31 EST

Hi Trey,
getting closer to rigging up my setup for single op - single band (applicable
to M/M, etc.) using two radios (second receiver) - two ears. For single band
operation the External relay band output lines are not utilized. I (and other
single banders) would like to see the option of defining those lines for (RX)
antenna switching. I would leave bit 0 for DVK, but use bit 1, 2, 3 for
antenna switching (gives us 8 options for relay controlled antenna switch). 
>From program it would be desirable to have option of preprogrammed scan when
rig switches to receive (scan through preselected beverages i.e. 2,4,8 with
programmable length of time on each individual preselection). Also option of
manually selecting the antennas through the numeric keypad. (8 - N, 9 - NE, 6
- E, etc.) Scan would be overriden by manual action via num. keypad. We could
use #5 to toggle between manual/scan. (In case of never ending pileup of
Make it compatible with two radios switching, each radio could have 8 banks of
antennas (preprogrammable separately.)
This will be very usefull for single band contests and will let us keep our
hands on the keyboard instead of unscrewing our wrists with antenna switch
after each CQ/QSO.
Hope you will consider this request/suggestion and put TR miles ahead of other
73, MX, HNY

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