TR and RFI

Joseph A. Feustle, Jr. jfeustle@UOFT02.UTOLEDO.EDU
Sun, 16 Feb 1997 09:29:43 -0500

Funny, I ran into the same problem that Yuri mentions yesterday, and
also on 20 meters. I had no problem with 1500 watts on 15 but as soon as
I went to 20 I ran into one. In my case, the rig shut down at about 40
watts when I went to tune the amp. As soon as I switched my keying from
the parallel port to my usual keyer, an old MFJ, the problem
disappeared. My antenna is a good 55 feet above my shack. I didn't check
40, 80 or 160.

TR performed splendidly. Can't say the same for its operator.

Joe, Feustle, N8JF