Ctrl-Enter problems

Larry Tyree tree@lady.axian.com
Sun, 16 Feb 1997 21:24:38 -0800 (PST)

Kirk - K4RO wrote:

> 1) I am in S&P mode, and I type a call into the window.
> 2) I call the station by hitting Enter
> 3) I enter his exchange information
> 4) I notice I mis-copied his call, and hit the up-arrow to
>    return to the call window, where I correct his call.
> 5) I hit Control-Enter to log the QSO.
> When I hit Control-Enter at this point, my rig starts sending the 
> exchange again, instead of "silently" (i.e. without sending CW)
> logging the QSO.  
> Can this be fixed, so that Control-Enter always "silently" logs
> the QSO (without sending CW) no matter what?  Basically, when I
> hit Control-Enter, I expect it to NEVER send any CW, no matter
> what 'state' the program is in.  Does this make sense?   Thanks!

Yes - it does make sense, and I missed a place in the program where
it can send the exchage (if your cursor is in the call window in
S&P mode and you log the QSO with Control-Enter).

There had been a couple of people tell me they had some CW sent 
when using Control-Enter, but they couldn't remember how they 
did it.  Your very complete description of the problem allowed
me to reproduce the problem, fix it, and test it, all in about
5 minutes.  

Thanks for your help.  This fix will be in the next release (5.99).
