A Few Little Things

Scott Ellington sdelling@facstaff.wisc.edu
Mon, 17 Feb 1997 10:10:19 -0600

Here are few things it might be nice to fix before the next
big DX contest.  (I used 5.94, so some may be done.)

1.  Make F2 chainable in S&P mode.

2.  Chain messages smoothly.  (Maybe not a problem with
a faster computer.)  Long delay with 286.

3.  When a call is corrected in the exchange window, do SCP
on it when the contact is logged.  Also update band map.

4.  When a station is called in S&P mode using the enter key,
put the call on the band map automatically.  (Sometimes the
station doesn't come back.)

5.  When a contact is logged in S&P, make the band map entry
BEFORE writing to disk.  With a slow disk, you can tune way
up the band before the disk access is done, and get the wrong
frequency on the band map.

6.  Update dupe sheet when call is changed in editable log.

Scott  K9MA