"Rescue" Key

Pete Smith n4zr@contesting.com
Tue, 18 Feb 1997 07:17:16 -0600 (CST)

At 11:21 AM 2/14/97 -0800, Ward Silver wrote:
>Since everyone has different assumptions about "what is supposed to happen
>next", maybe what we really need is a "Rescue" key.  This would be like a
>"Hyperspace" key, but in reverse.  Instead of putting you in a random set
>of mode states, the Rescue key would automatically halt all keying and
>return the user to a predefined state.  
(details deleted)

I think Ward's almost got it right ... but to heck with the RESCUE key, give
me a hyperspace key.  Press it and time and space are warped to produce a
400 hour, whenever you need one(but only one per contest)!

73, Pete Smith N4ZR
West (bigawd) Virginia